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Εξοικονόμηση 40% 0
🔥 Η στρατηγική της AI μας, Τεχνολογικοί Γίγαντες είναι πάνω + 7,1% ως τώρα τον Μάιο.
Μπες στη δράση ενώ οι μετοχές είναι ΚΑΥΤΕΣ.
Εξαργυρώστε ΕΚΠΤΩΣΗ 40%

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We’ll tell you what we’re trading and why and you can use that information to either formulate your own trades, copy us, or learn more about the forex market. Never trust anyone who isn’t prepared to put his money where his mouth is. The beauty of the forex market is that it is so huge that we have little or no effect on it. It’s dominated by the big plays, and unless you’re going to play with hundreds of millions you’re not even a drop in the ocean.
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