Έκτακτα Γεγονότα
Εξοικονόμηση 55% 0
🐦 Το πρωινό πουλί βρίσκει τις πιο καυτές μετοχές πιο φθηνά. Εξοικονόμησε ως και 55% στο InvestingPro την Black Friday

Κεντρική Τράπεζα Γκάμπια

Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες

The Central Bank of The Gambia is the central bank of Gambia. As a central bank, CBG is responsible for providing banking services to the Gambian government, for managing interest rates and foreign exchange, for interacting with Gambian industries, for supporting microfinance, and for managing the value of the dalasi, which is Gambia's currency. The bank is responsible for managing the sale of Gambian bonds and treasury bills on the international securities market. The bank is involved in economic research in regards to the future of Gambia and West Africa.

Πρόεδρος: Amadou Colley

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