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⏰ Γλιτώστε πολύτιμο χρόνο με γρηγορότερα δεδομένα και εργαλεία μετοχών
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Κεντρική Τράπεζα Αργεντινής

Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες

The Central Bank of Argentina, also known as the “BCRA”, was established on May 28th, 1935 to act as the country’s financial agent in all cases. The Bank is run by a board containing a Governor, two Deputy Governors, and eight directors. The primary role of the bank is to have an influential hold over the country’s exchange rate, especially with the United States Dollar. Argentina’s financial infrastructure runs in such a way that foreign currency trade is highly encouraged, perhaps inadvertently; this is mainly because the currency has been slowly increasing in value since the 1980s.

Πρόεδρος: Guido Sandleris

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