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TradeTech Europe 2016

Οργανωτής:  WBR Ltd
Εκκίνηση: 12.04.2016 03:00
Τέλος: 13.04.2016 03:00
Palais des Congrès de Paris, 2 Place de la Porte Maillot,
Τιμή: Visit Site
Τηλέφωνο: +44 (0)207 368 9540
Email: laura.gordon@wbresearch.com
Trade Tech

TradeTech has been helping the most senior equity trading professionals from across the full value chain solve their biggest challenges for 15 years through interactive discussion and solution sharing.

TradeTech attendees benefit from the interactive elements of the event such as rountable discussions, workshops and live debates. Plus, the networking breaks, lunches and drinks receptions enable further discussion and relationship building to solve the biggest data challenges.

To secure your place among the equity trading elite at TradeTech 2016 book your place now.
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