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Παγκόσμιες Κεντρικές Τράπεζες

Εύρεση κεντρικής τράπεζας

Χώρα Καταχώρησης:

  Όνομα Τρέχων Τιμή Χώρα
Τράπεζα Αγγλίας (BOE)

The Bank of England is, despite its name, the central bank of the whole of the United Kingdom and is the model on which most modern, large central banks have been based....

4,75%  Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο
Τράπεζα Ιαπωνίας (BOJ)

The Bank of Japan is the central bank of Japan. The Bank is often called Nichigin for short.The Bank of Japan is headquartered in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, on the site of a...

0,50%  Ιαπωνία
Αποθεματική Τράπεζα Ινδίας (RBI)

The Reserve Bank of India was established on April 1, 1935 in accordance with the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. The Central Office of the Reserve...

6,50%  Ινδίες
Τράπεζα Ινδονησίας (BI)

Bank Indonesia is the central bank of Indonesia. It was founded on 1 July 1953 from the nationalization of De Javasche Bank, a Dutch bank dating from colonial times. The...

5,75%  Ινδονησία
Κεντρική Τράπεζα Ιορδανίας (CBJ)

The Central Bank of Jordan's main duties include the release and distribution of the Jordanian currency and the maintenance of a national reserve of gold and foreign...

3,75%  Ιορδανία
Κεντρική Τράπεζα και Αρχή Χρηματοπιστωτικών Υπηρεσιών Ιρλανδίας (CBFSAI)

The Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland is the financial services regulator of Ireland and historically the central bank. The bank was the issuer of...

0,05%  Ιρλανδία
Κεντρική Τράπεζα του Εκουαδόρ (BCE)

The Central Bank of Ecuador, founded as a private bank in 1927, was declared an organ of the state in 1948 by the Monetary Board. The Central Bank issues and stabilizes...

0%  Ισημερινός
Κεντρική Τράπεζα Ισλανδίας

The Central Bank of Iceland is an independent institution, owned by the Icelandic state but under separate administration. The Central Bank is in charge of monetary...

6,50%  Ισλανδία
Τράπεζα Ισπανίας (BDE)

The Bank of Spain is the national central bank of Spain. Established in Madrid in 1782 by Carlos III, today the bank is a member of the European System of Central...

0,0%  Ισπανία
Τράπεζα του Ισραήλ (BOI)

The Bank of Israel was founded on August 24, 1954, when the Knesset passed the Bank of Israel Act, which ceded the currency issuing and regulatory functions of the...

4,50%  Ισραήλ
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